Jordi Margall
Chef who specialises in fifth-range and assemblage products

When I reflect on the culinary world, on the true essence of cooking, I often realize that many only see the end result, that impeccable dish served on the table. But behind that dish, there is an intricate dance of steps and preparations that we know as “Mise en Place”. It involves countless hours…

Imagine spending hours transforming ingredients, organizing, and controlling stocks. I remember days when chefs, including myself, worked between sixty and seventy hours a week, leaving little room for anything else outside the kitchen. I experienced this reality firsthand and recognized the need to dignify and seek stability in our profession. From this desire to bring ease and balance to chefs’ lives, Gastrónomos was born. This was the driving force behind our quest to make chefs’ lives easier.

What does Gastrónomos mean to me?

Since forever, my family and I have had a special connection with food, from crafting products in a poultry shop to other ventures. This family heritage evolved and transformed into a passion for catering and creating fifth-range products for the culinary sector. With Gastrónomos, my vision is to offer high-level culinary solutions for the Food Service, hospitality, catering, and restaurant channels, seeking not only to deliver quality but also a differentiating value.

How did the idea of Gastrónomos come about?

After years immersing myself in gastronomy, working and learning in different restaurants, and exploring various lines of business, I decided to take a step forward and create our central kitchen. It wasn’t an easy path; behind this decision, there was a blend of effort, dedication, and, above all, a profound love for gastronomy.

With Gastrónomos, I aim not only to offer quality products but also to share with everyone a story, a passion, and my commitment to gastronomic excellence. To assist the chef who seeks to distinguish themselves not only in flavor but also in efficiency and business, we offer an extensive portfolio of fifth-range products that respect the integrity of ingredients and reduce preparation time. With Gastrónomos, the professional chef finds a reliable partner in their mission to serve excellence in every dish while maximizing their commercial performance.

If you share our philosophy and want to get started with us, don't hesitate to send me a message, and we'll get started right away.

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Basic information about data processing (LO 3/2018 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 [GDPR]): 
Data Controller: Gastrònoms Chefs S.L.
Purpose: Managing our products, maintaining commercial relationships, and sending communications about products or services.
Rights: You can exercise the rights provided in articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR, detailed in our privacy policy.

Formulario de contacto

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Información básica sobre el tratamiento de datos (LO 3/2018 y Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 [RGPD]): 
Responsable del tratamiento: Gastrònoms Chefs S.L.
Finalidad: Gestionar nuestros productos, mantener relaciones comerciales y enviar comunicaciones sobre productos o servicios.
Derechos: Puede ejercer los derechos contemplados en los artículos 15 a 22 del RGPD, detallados en nuestra política de privacidad.

Formulario de pedidos

Llámanos o déjanos tus datos en el siguiente formulario y nuestro departamento comercial atenderá tu consulta lo antes posible. Muchas gracias.

Información básica sobre el tratamiento de datos (LO 3/2018 y Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 [RGPD]): 
Responsable del tratamiento: Gastrònoms Chefs S.L.
Finalidad: Gestionar nuestros productos, mantener relaciones comerciales y enviar comunicaciones sobre productos o servicios.
Derechos: Puede ejercer los derechos contemplados en los artículos 15 a 22 del RGPD, detallados en nuestra política de privacidad.

Formulario de contacto

Llámanos o déjanos tus datos en el siguiente formulario  y nuestro departamento comercial atenderá su consulta en el menor tiempo posible.

Muchas gracias.

Información básica sobre el tratamiento de datos (LO 3/2018 y Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 [RGPD]): 
Responsable del tratamiento: Gastrònoms Chefs S.L.
Finalidad: Gestionar nuestros productos, mantener relaciones comerciales y enviar comunicaciones sobre productos o servicios.
Derechos: Puede ejercer los derechos contemplados en los artículos 15 a 22 del RGPD, detallados en nuestra política de privacidad.

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