Legal Information


1. Legal Information

To use this website and/or this application you must have read and accepted the following terms of use.
These general conditions apply to all purchases made on our website (hereinafter, Portal) whose domain is owned by Gastrónomos Chef S.L (hereinafter, Gastrónomos).

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before placing any Order from our Portal. By accessing our website and placing an order, you agree to be bound by these conditions and terms of our usage policy.
The terms of use and particular conditions may be modified by Gastrónomos at any time. Please check this page regularly to keep informed of any changes we may make.

If for any communication you have any questions regarding these terms and conditions, please contact us before placing your order. If you do not accept these terms and conditions in their entirety, please refrain from using our Service.

You may contact the registered office or the email address or the telephone number 972 15 63 19.

2. Activity

Gastrónomos Chef S.L. is a company dedicated to food and catering, which has civil liability insurance and the number of health records required by the community of Girona to be able to carry out its activity.

Through, it makes available to its clients a catalogue of products for home delivery and consumption, guaranteeing their delivery in perfect condition and preserving the cold chain of the products when necessary.

The products we offer are handmade so their presentation may be slightly different without changing their flavour or nutritional characteristics.


3. Availability of the service

Once the payment has been verified and validated, Gastrónomos and/or the participating services will proceed to deliver the order.
The Service will be available on the days of the year and time slots available on the Portal. The offer of some of the products shown on the Portal may be subject to limitations or restrictions on sale/delivery, depending on the delivery time, and/or delivery location or age of the User.

All orders are subject to availability. Gastrónomos will be able to offer you an alternative to any product that cannot be provided.


Unless otherwise provided by law, the owner shall not accept any liability for losses, regardless of their origin, that are not attributable to negligent breaches on their part.
Likewise, the owner also limits their liability in the following cases:

They shall apply all measures related to putting forth a faithful display of the product on the WEBSITE; however, they are not responsible for any minor differences or inaccuracies that may exist due to the lack of screen resolution or problems with the browser used or others of the same type.

Technical errors that, due to fortuitous events or other causes, prevent the normal operation of the service over the Internet.
In general, they will not be responsible for any non-compliance or delay in the fulfilment of any of the obligations assumed, when these are due to events that are beyond their reasonable control, that is to say, due to force majeure.

Communications in writing and notifications

By using this WEBSITE, the user accepts that most communications will be electronic.
For contractual purposes, the User consents to using this electronic means of communication and acknowledges that all contracts, notifications, information and other communications that the company sends electronically comply with the legal requirements of being in writing. This condition will not affect the user’s rights recognised by Law.

Formulario de contacto

Llámanos o déjanos tus datos en el siguiente formulario  y nuestro departamento comercial atenderá su consulta en el menor tiempo posible.

Muchas gracias.

Información básica sobre el tratamiento de datos (LO 3/2018 y Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 [RGPD]): 
Responsable del tratamiento: Gastrònoms Chefs S.L.
Finalidad: Gestionar nuestros productos, mantener relaciones comerciales y enviar comunicaciones sobre productos o servicios.
Derechos: Puede ejercer los derechos contemplados en los artículos 15 a 22 del RGPD, detallados en nuestra política de privacidad.

Formulario de pedidos

Llámanos o déjanos tus datos en el siguiente formulario y nuestro departamento comercial atenderá tu consulta lo antes posible. Muchas gracias.

Información básica sobre el tratamiento de datos (LO 3/2018 y Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 [RGPD]): 
Responsable del tratamiento: Gastrònoms Chefs S.L.
Finalidad: Gestionar nuestros productos, mantener relaciones comerciales y enviar comunicaciones sobre productos o servicios.
Derechos: Puede ejercer los derechos contemplados en los artículos 15 a 22 del RGPD, detallados en nuestra política de privacidad.

Formulario de contacto

Llámanos o déjanos tus datos en el siguiente formulario  y nuestro departamento comercial atenderá su consulta en el menor tiempo posible.

Muchas gracias.

Información básica sobre el tratamiento de datos (LO 3/2018 y Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 [RGPD]): 
Responsable del tratamiento: Gastrònoms Chefs S.L.
Finalidad: Gestionar nuestros productos, mantener relaciones comerciales y enviar comunicaciones sobre productos o servicios.
Derechos: Puede ejercer los derechos contemplados en los artículos 15 a 22 del RGPD, detallados en nuestra política de privacidad.

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